Sketch comedy - Dirty valentine

This past week, we had filmed different shots for our BBA Fighting Cage sketch. We first started to film in front of the headmaster's office, and then finally ended with having another shot in front of the picture board in the hallway of seminary. I was in charge of the video camera and filming. Instead of using a tripod, I just held the camera, and I had a spotter, Connor, when moving backwards. We all really enjoyed the content in the shots, making the sketch that more funny. Re-doing the shots wouldn't be bad, so I can work on making the film look better and not so shaky. And in our shots in front of the headmaster's office, the secretary is looking at Nick, and next time we will tell her not to look and just pretend that she is working. I really like the scene in the hallway, it is really funny and leads from the interview script we did outside.