Meatless monday


- As a group, we all discussed different possible ideas for a commercial or PSA. Once we were set on doing something with meatless Monday, we had gathered up the idea of grilling and having someone sadly eat some lettuce. I realized that it can take a lot of work in pre-production to be ready for filming days. It takes time before to gather up all of the equipment, and communication is key, knowing when to come in to be ready to work. We chose to be outside, with the lighting and setting being the best, even when it was snowing outside. We created this film for those people who hate meatless Monday, and they could now have a way to eat some meat on Monday. 


- The first day we attempted to film,  people showed up late and we did not have all the equipment needed so I had to run out in the morning. By the time I came back, it was took late to film. The next time everybody was more prepared and even though it was cold, we got the film we needed. The girls practiced before we started to film. I was in charge of the camera when filming. It was easy for me to find the right lighting and I focused the camera as well as I could. I panned from up to down first, while they flipped the patties and looked happy. Then we panned from the top to bottom. This was easy for me once setting the camera up in the right position. We then had some actors come up and pretend to be in line getting some patties. I started with the girls, then slowly panned out down the line. We did many shots to ensure we had lots of footage to work with. It was challenging to work quickly, especially when all of. our equipment was getting wet due to the snow. We had to get some bags to cover out equipment while we were not filming. I learned more about the camera and filming. How to focus correctly and knowing where to place the camera to get the right shot. I also noticed how to direct a bunch of actors, that you have to be loud and clear, so everybody knows and hears what you want them to do. 

It was easy to film the girl eating lettuce, we could do it all in one day, we just added two separate shots to the final film. I also filmed those scenes. We noticed that it did not work when we tried zooming in and out when in the cafeteria, so we stuck to one shot. 


- We had auditions for a voice over in our film. When watching the film, the panning of the grill girls going up looks very good. I see that the first scene, the picture is a little shaking because the camera is focusing in and out. Sean and Alvaro did most of the editing because that is their area of expertise. I think that the voice over is mostly all good, some words are hards to understand when she reads them over, so I think we should have her say the voice over again. The choice of song at the end was a good idea with the girls moving around behind the grill, it made the film a bit more cheerful. 

Forest gump movie review

I really enjoyed this movie, I have heard so many good things about it and everyone tells me that I need to watch it ASAP. This movie shows the early life of Forrest Gump. Forrest is shown to always be happy and always had good intentions. Most of the story includes his childhood friend who he deeply loves, Jenny. Forrest is known to just keep running and he always goes for his dreams. Forrest goes off to college, becoming really good in football. Then he goes off to Vietnam, becoming good friends with his lieutenant who Forrest rescued. He meets a very good friend, Bubba, eventually collecting shrimp with Lieutenant Dan in remembrance of Bubba. This whole movie is being narrated by Forrest , he is talking to a lady at the bus station. There are many times when Forrest finds Jenny, though is rejected. He is at the bus station because he got a letter from Jenny, wanting Forrest to come visit her. At the end of movie, Forrest eventually finds Jenny, revealing the biggest surprise in the movie.


I enjoy Tom Hanks, and the acting overall is very good. This movie and some of the actors had won oscars the year it came out. You can tell the filming was a while ago, the resolution is not as advanced like it is today. The whole movie was very well written and shot, especially when Forrest was out in Vietnam, the shots were great. I enjoyed Hanks voice in the movie, and the music was enjoyable and always started, what felt like, the right times. I can always notice when they use the rule of thirds, even when I watch TV everyday. The different shots that are taken are unique, and I always like to think that it took many takes to put together one scene in post-production. The whole storyline was great, and the ending was happy and sad at the same time. This movie has also won best film editing and best editing effects/visual effects. So the post production was very successful in putting together the movie in the best possible way it could. This movie also won best picture that year, so that can say something overall. I also had watched Cast Away with Tom Hanks, and I also enjoyed that movie, and thought his acting was really good in that film. 


I would totally recommend this film to anybody. I loved the acting and the actors. The whole storyline was very well put together, and heart-felt and warming at times. This movie is probably the best it could ever be, that is why it has won so many awards and will forever be a classic movie to watch. I am very glad I watched this movie, and I can see myself watching this again very soon. There are some sad moments in this movie, and I think that is why you begin to love and respect the character, Forest Gump, so much. There are also some really funny, classic moments in this movie.  I love the famous quotes, "run Forrest run" and "life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you are gonna get".