Interview of graham

Being the interviewer was interesting. I realize you really have to be prepared with the kinds of questions you want to ask, and where you want the interview to go, in terms of a story-line. If you are not prepared, there can be awkward silence while trying to figure out more questions. I experienced almost the same effect when I was interviewed. I also laughed a lot and next time I would go more in-depth when answering my questions because that can make a good interview. I learned about B-Roll, and how it can make a film flow without all the cuts shown. 

When being interviewed, it was interesting to be in the spotlight and having a camera and lights in front of your face. It almost felt a little nerve racking from trying to come of with quick, clear answers. I realize that the person asking the questions have to be clear and already know the questions before. I experienced some pauses while Connor was thinking of more questions, and it was almost an awkward silence in a funny way. Also I was rocking back and forth, which I will try not to do next time. 

When being in charge of the camera and mike, it is important to make sure everything in on and working. Doing practice tests is a good way to make sure everything is working correctly. I realize that the rule of thirds is very important to consider when filming, and how putting the subject in the first third can make a film much more interesting to watch. I also remembered to have editing space when starting and ending the video. 

Interview of sean

During my second interview, I believe I was more prepared for what questions to ask. I believe this film flows more when I edited, and my B-roll is more put together, making the film not so choppy. Before Sean introduced himself, I put some film before that explaining a little bit about himself first. Also when I was videoing, you have the adjust the camera for every person, depending on their height. I learned more about how to move a camera around, zooming in and out, as well as starting the film and turning on the microphone. Overall. I believe my second film is more well put together, with the right amount of B-roll.  

The second time when being interviewed flowed more. Tilly seemed to know the questions before, so there were no pauses in-between responses and questions. It is still kind of stressful when trying to come up with answers quickly and having them come out clearly. Because having done this already, the whole thing when a little smoother, the set up was quicker and easier because we all knew what we were supposed to do. 

When filming, it was easier to know where exactly the subject should be, and this time I knew what to do differently than the last time. Having her face the natural light made the picture better, if the windows were behind her the contrast would not look as good and the background would overpower with light. Thankfully, the mike was working and on, we also tested to make sure. 

• B-Roll

- Alternative footage to intercut the main shot

Video Server

- computer-based device, "host". Dedicated to delivering video

• Rule of thirds

- Aligning a subject based on the guide lines

• Where are the lights and light stands?

- The light equipment is in the green-screen room on the shelf. The batteries needed are in the main room as you walk in. 

• Where do the batteries get charged when you are finished?

- On a table to the left as you walk in to the main classroom. 

• JVC HM100

- Compact hand-held camcorder, utilizes a high definition lens by Fujinon. Ideal for news-reporters and producers. 

• Lavalier Mic (Lav Mic)

- Small microphone, a hands-free operation. This is usually hung around the neck or clipped to clothing. 

• Canon T3I / T5I

- Holds a very high number of pixels, a camera that can video, or usually is used to take high-quality pictures with. 

• Director of Photography (DP)

- Chief over the camera and light crew working on the film 

• Dissolve or fade

- Dissolve is a gradual transition form from one image to another. Fade-in or fade-out is to and from a blank image. 

• Editing

- Modifying, correcting, or condensing a film

• Editor

- The person who edits the final decisions of a film 

• Lower thirds

- 1/3 portion of the screen, usually towards the bottom of the screen. 

• Shoe / Quick Release plate

- It is the square on the tripod that connects the camera to the tripod

• Transform

- Dramatic change in appearance 

• Ken Burns effect

- Types of panning and zooming effect used in video production from still production 



      This film is about how the orcas are treated at SeaWorld park. It was mainly focused on this one whale, Tilikum, who killed 3 people while in captivity, this includes a top killer whale trainer. There was amazing clips shown that was actual footage at SeaWorld. This film interviews many other trainers,  piecing together an explanation for what happened. You can see the harmful conditions these creatures were living in. You are able to realize the devastating consequences for keeping such intelligent and sentient creatures in captivity. This film shows the case on how it is dangerous for both humans and the whales when orcas are held in captivity.

      These orcas are taken away from their families at a young age, and putting them in such small living conditions makes these creatures mentally unstable. Many orcas are physically damaged, and captive orcas have a shorter life span than those free in the ocean. These smart creatures can not be held captive in small boxes, seeing how mentally unstable they can get. These orcas that were taken when young can not be released into wild because they will not survive due to them growing up in captivity. 

      Many whales are held in a very small space, so they are not able to escape from other whales when they want. Tilikum was scratched up due to this. When the trainers had died, they blamed this on a trainers error. Though many people thought looking at the film again, that it was really just the whale acting out. It is hard to watch when the whales are being captured, and how awful they were treated. Little bombs were being thrown. It was really interesting to hear how to orcas new what to do when the boats came to collect the young baby orcas. Because the orcas have been caught before, the males went one way and the mother's and their babies went another way. It so interesting that they new what to do and was very smart about it. Though because they needed air, and an airplane was above, the mothers were seen. 

      The whole film included small clips of the people getting interviewed, while there is many raw and real footage of the whales. I enjoy that there is many real clips, and I can notice now that they are using the rule of thirds when filming someone. I also notice that in the lower thirds, their name is shown and their occupation. 

      The director purposefully puts shocking footage and emotional interviews into this movie so people will have a certain view on this situation. There is a lot of real footage included, as well as interviews from trainers, which makes the film that more interesting. The transitioning and b-roll is very good on this production. I see that this movie is very biased towards one opinion, so if people don't have a view on this situation yet,  they will likely agree with this film. I would recommend this film if you want to know about the orcas held at SeaWorld, and you would like to learn how smart they are. This was a sad but very powerful film, and I would like to know about SeaWorld today, if anything has changed. 

Words: 540